Corroborating Evidence is Vital in Federal Workers’ Comp Claims
In a recent case, N.Y., Appellant and U.S. POSTAL SERVICE, POST OFFICE, Houston, TX, Employer 115 LRP 17695, ECAB certified the prior OWCP denial of a U.S. postal workers claim because there was no evidence to support the worker’s claim.
In a recent case, N.Y., Appellant and U.S. POSTAL SERVICE, POST OFFICE, Houston, TX, Employer 115 LRP 17695, ECAB certified the prior OWCP denial of a U.S. postal workers claim because there was no evidence to support the worker’s claim.
The worker claimed that she suffered an occupational disease caused by work retaliatory assignments and harassment from coworkers and supervisors in the aftermath of a physical injury. She claimed she was disciplined for her injury and that particular assignments, such as assignment to a guard shack without proper attire, were given to her as retaliation.
ECAB denied the claim because there was simply no evidence to back up the workers accusations. It is vital that any claim brought before OWCP includes reliable supporting evidence. An attorney can help you properly gather and document evidence in support of your claim. Call Alan J. Shapiro for assistance filing your federal workers’ compensation claim.