Doctor’s Restrictions
Doctor’s Restrictions
Watch what your doctors say about restrictions.
Office of Inspector General (OIG) may make a big deal out of the restrictions given by your doctor. Question your doctor about the restrictions. Make sure the doctor explains the restrictions.
Office of Inspector General (OIG) may make a big deal out of the restrictions given by your doctor. Question your doctor about the restrictions. Make sure the doctor explains the restrictions.
For example: If the Doctor says “no driving” does this mean that you put the car in the garage and never use it until the restriction is lifted? Does the Doctor mean that you can go to the store or pick up your children at school, but that you cannot drive at work? If so, remember, the Doctor is going to have to explain his restrictions. He will need to explain what it is about your medical condition that prevents you from driving. When does your medical condition let you use the car to go to the store, but not to drive to work or use a car at work?
If the Doctor says that you cannot do repetitive work, what does he mean by repetitive?
If the Doctor says that you can only stands for one hour, then he needs to explain how he knows this. That is – what happens to your body if you stand longer than the hour? What physical harm will you sustain if you stand longer than the one hour?
I like to quote Doctor John Ellis of Oklahoma City. “Restrictions are only recommendations. They are not Laws or rules. You can exceed restrictions, but you cannot violate them.” Your doctor should explain that your restrictions are recommendations, and not “black letter rules of Law”.